Rich Way Acoustic Manufacturing Co., Ltd简述
Rich Way Acoustic Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was established in the year of 2000, located at a 800-years old historic & civilized town—Shawan town, in Panyu district Guangzhou city. Shawan town is located at south central of Panyu, with a great geographic location: nearby Guangzhou airport, subway, Guangzhou South Station, Nansha Port, intercity light rails and other land, sea and air transport networks and communications hub. Benefit from the era and location, Rich Way can achieve sales results with short transportation time and low transportation costs. Rich Way covers an area of 5,000 square meters, has a new standard industrial plant with reading room, Karaoke room, high-end audio showroom, R & D building and other hardware facilities.Rich Way has a modern automated office, with 50 employees, 4 people of R & D team, 5 people of management staff , 5 technicians, 4 marketing elite, and annual sales of more than 45 million RMB. Rich Way\'s basic marketing sales goal is 50 million RMB then with 5% increase per year.
Rich Way Acoustic Manufacturing Co., Ltd标签
Rich Way Acoustic Manufacturing Co., LtdSEO信息
- 谷歌权重
- 百度权重
- 360权重
- 搜狗权重
- 83关注热度
- 0点入指数
- 0点出指数
Rich Way Acoustic Manufacturing Co., Ltd价值评估
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